Welfare Presentation

January 18, 2011

Welfare Presentation

If you follow this link, then you will have a Powerpoint Presentation about the Working Class, this was something that I publicly displayed.

Representation – Personal Ideology

January 18, 2011

When looking to write about the representation of the working class, you have to bear in mind the reasons why they are in the position that they are in, so as to understand how their being represented will work.

There are different ways that an individual can look at the separation of classes, and this usually depends upon where you stand on the political spectrum, i.e. either left or right wing. For example, a person that sits to the right of centre, would argue that it is just how life is if people have wealth or not. Those that work hard will get the rewards, and those that are on top should stay on top and should not have to worry or provide for people worse off than themselves. Of course this is a stereotypical opinion, but one that has basis. Some figures that may help show this view would be under 7% of the people in this country attend private school. Over 80% of the people in the House Of Lords went to private school. Another interesting one is that over 89% of this country’s wealth is owned by about 3% of the population. So obviously well over 90% of the people in the country are fighting over under10% of its wealth. This figures may be rough, but have been proven with fact and figures to back them up, so it is not just hearsay. When looking at statements like this, it gives us some concept of how unjust society can be. This has naturally lead me onto my second point. That of the left wing, and where I stand personally. The left wing would argue that each and every person in this country has a responsibility to look after one another. It should be about the concept of “one love” rather than “one’s money” which is what it would appear to be at the moment. Naturally people disagree with these statements on both sides, but now I would like to raise various issues about the lower classes that people need to be made aware of.

People in the lower classes, those involved with drug use and low level crime, they are not there out of choice. They are born into the position they are in, and without help, is virtually impossible to get out of. Those that have a bad background deserve help if they want it in order to create a better life for themselves, and it is the responsibility of the wealthier in the country to help, as they are in a position to do so. Obviously there are exceptions at both ends, in that some of the richest in the country do an awful amount of work, and spend a lot of money in helping those in need. And those in need lower down in society sometimes refuse it and are determined to carry on doing what they want. But the fact of the matter is that not enough people are helping, and there are far too many people in need of help that want the help. This selfish society that we have created is having an awful impact on society, and leading to a future I do not personally want to be a part of